Keyword SEO is Not Enough – 8 Steps to Fixing

SEO, a part of search engine marketing imageThat statement is certainly not a great revelation. However, it is worth repeating. While it has never been a case of “build it and they will come” for websites, many think a Search Engine Optimized website will automatically do well for nearly any search using keywords related to what their website offers. It seems that many people think that “Keywords” = SEO. Obviously, that has always been an overly simplistic view, but keywords do play a big role in getting a given web page displayed in search results. That said, there is much more to SEO, and certainly more to generating traffic to your website.

How people use the Internet and Web has dramatically changed.

Much that happens on the Internet no longer includes viewing a web page. It happens on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, various chat platforms, regular email, newsletters, and other platforms. People are using phones and other mobile devices, not just desktop computers. When internet activity does involve viewing a web page, in many cases the visitor came from a link in content on one of the aforementioned platforms and devices.

How Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines evaluate and rank available content on the web that can be displayed in Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) rankings has dramatically changed as well. Reportedly, Google has over 200 Ranking Factors. Only a portion of those have to do with on-page SEO.

On top of that, with Google’s “Universal Search” results displaying many elements in addition to traditional snippets and links to relevant websites. Search results may now include (not all at the same time) the following.

  • Site Links (6 pack)
  • Google Map + Pins
  • Local Carousel – Photos
  • List Carousel – Just that, grouped list of results
  • Knowledge Panel – Top Right, info related to query
  • Google AdWords – Top, Right Column, Bottom
  • Answer Box
  • Image Mega-Block
  • Video Results
  • News Results
  • Social Results
  • In-Depth Articles

Where eight to ten traditional listings were once displayed for a query, now there are often only three or four. The competition for results page real estate is very real.

It is this simple. Traditional on-page, keyword search engine optimization, is not enough by itself to achieve high rankings in search results. What you do online other than on your website, and what others say about your business and your web presence, impacts your website traffic.

Here are 8 steps to fixing your search results rankings.

  •  Have a quick-loading, attractive, relevant, and frequently updated website.
    • Google includes site speed in their 200 ranking “signals”
  • Well-written content that visitors find of value, and worthy of sharing
    • Compelling content that conveys your value proposition for your product or service
  • On-Page Search Engine Optimization done correctly, including headings and internal links
  • Add a blog, or “what’s new” page that has fresh and compelling content
  • Don’t forget any given keyword has to be on a web page to show up in search results
  • Create and use at least one or two Social Media accounts
  • Place Social Media share and follow buttons on your website
  • Send a monthly email newsletter (include links to your website) to clients and prospects

I know. It sounds like more work and time, and it is. That said, in today’s rapidly and constantly changing online world, Keyword SEO is Not Enough. 

Contact us today about a free website audit for your business or organization.

1-800-281-9993 or 608-822-3750 or